Electlilywave 是一款幾何風格的連筆字體;靈感來自電波規律的起伏線條,將一般連筆字體的人文手寫風格轉變為更電子、簡潔的風格。運用 OpenType 替換上下文的功能對小寫字母在不同的位置上進行造形的換置,也為大寫字母做了單獨和後連的樣式。

Electlilywave is an elegant geometric linking font. Inspired by the undulating lines of retro waves, it changes the handwriting style to an electric style. Use OpenType to replace the lowercase letters in different positions, and also makes isolation and inital styles of the uppercase letters.

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Font Electlilywave

Font Electlilywave



Creative Fields