Jenifer Bulcock's profile

Gingerbeer Software

Gingerbeer Software
Gingerbeer Software is a boutique, Brisbane based business, specialising in custom web applications that serve both large and small companies. Their products aid companies in streamlining their processes by facilitating organised, accessible data.
Market research, conducted by a local marketing firm, confirmed that there were several similar companies in the area. It also confirmed that Gingerbeer Software had a loyal, existing client base, although wasn’t readily engaging new clients due to an out- of-date visual presence.
Gingerbeer Software’s services are very tailored and specific to the client. Nothing is produced as an off-the-shelf solution. For this reason we brought in a copywriter and content strategist to aid in the development of the brand strategy, and content production.
Three tag lines were developed to support and reinforce the brand messaging.
As a result of the collaborations above and many brainstorming meetings, a contemporary, dynamic branding style was developed, that set the company apart from the competition and appealed to the younger generations in order to future proof Gingerbeer Software’s market appeal. 
Gingerbeer Software

Gingerbeer Software

Gingerbeer Software is a boutique, Brisbane based business, specialising in custom web applications that serve both large and small companies. Th Read More
