Huma Ali's profile

Practice makes a Photographer perfect

I believe in Dualistic Model of Passion (DMP); following my believe—here I am, "Covering the nature through my eye". Keeping a memorabilia is my way to remember the wonderful times of life. 
Witnessing such serene beauty is a blessing—wanted to capture it as is. Keeping the beauty with me for infinity. 
That's how you feel, When you are wander lust in your own thoughts. 
Architects of our happiness. Walk through walls and change the reality. 
Foots of history through my eyes. 
Running out of the pages in passport; want to capture every moment that gives me happiness. 
Remember, the whole thing was started by a mouse. 
Each building is a start to a new chapter of love, life and happiness. 
Passion is like a bridge; it connects you to your dreams. 
Build your own dreams. Stop, think and reflect. 
Practice makes a Photographer perfect


Practice makes a Photographer perfect


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