Sandeep (Sunny) Gajadhar's profile



Hi, introducing Crombie Lockwood.

Over the past 40 years Crombie Lockwood has grown from a small, provincial company to be one of New Zealand’s leading insurance brokerages, with 27 branches throughout the country and placing insurance premiums of more than $1 billion. Over the last three years, we’ve refreshed our brand strategically and visually to position Crombie Lockwood as a successful New Zealand corporate with future growth aspirations.

As part of the strategic refresh, we undertook research to find out what matters most to our clients. This gave us 4 key insights: great customer service, no jargon, the right cover for me at the right price and get to know my business. Based on these insights we have introduced 4 key brand value messages that each align with a Crombie Lockwood client care principle. We created a tag line that communicates the benefits of dealing with us – Your insurance sorted. This builds authenticity, and provides an experience that is empathetic and customer centric. This is delivered by a look and feel that is not only more functional but interesting and fresh.

Our brand layers are the foundation of our brand architecture, resulting in a robust and consistent brand experience regardless of what part of Crombie Lockwood the client is interacting with. This is paramount because of the breadth and complexity of our business and type of information we communicate.

The visual design uses hierarchy well with short, compelling headlines, visual colour splits, with personality added through the use of our icon style. Information is treated in a mindful and meaningful way that is easily digestible. The tailor made design elements are cleverly used across the brand layers creating a cohesive design execution. We include people in our photography to show the interactions our clients can expect from their broker. We also demonstrate our brand heart with our commitment to kiwi conservation.

The brand refresh has been strategically developed and executed in-house. The execution spans all of the client journey including the following output: social, website, intranet, email, print collateral (customer facing and non-customer facing), events, sponsorship, and out of home advertising.

We are proud that our brand is now a successful, crucial business tool that drives commercial value and has enabled us to establish a competitive edge. Most importantly it drives and supports conversion with individuals choosing Crombie Lockwood as their insurance broker.




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