Eta ⊙ Eleonora Liparoti's profile

Various Illustrations [2012-2013]

Working Summer 2013, My Healthy Delirium
Don't you see we talk with it?
The Braid Insect
Fast I - no words
Madre del Cosmo
– The cats saw us!
– The cats saw us since the very beginning!
Our Hug
Felipe Walking
Make A Choice
Message by Art
Orphan Chapter
Remember Freedom
True Dream
The Sheep Bones' Dream
C'è tempesta oggi, perdo pesci
Caught by A Pterodactyl
Birds. Birds. Birds.
The banner of my blog, Eta dorme sui pesci volanti ("Eta sleeps on the flying fish")
Various Illustrations [2012-2013]

Various Illustrations [2012-2013]

Ongoing selection of illustrations around 2012 and 2013.
