Kitchen in crisis
Course conducted as part of the Visiting Professor Studio by Maciej Chmara from Chmara.Rosinke Studio

The result of the team's work is its self-publication "Kitchen in crisis" - a collection of essays, illustrations, recipes that was created during the first lockdown. 
We were meeting online since beggining of Covid-19. We cooked together, talked, learned about speculative design and gastronomy, future of global food chains, discussed about efects of lockdown on our life.
I wrote essay about Vegan Revolution. 

Team : Maciej Chmara, Agnieszka Ejsymont, Aleksandra Horodyska, Anna Maksymowicz, Emilia Marcjasz, Iga Nawara, Julka Hanke, Maria Pawłowicz and Nicole Kowalczuk
Kitchen in crisis

Kitchen in crisis
