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West Bottoms Flats Promo Video

West Bottoms Flats is a series of 18th century industrial buildings renovated into living, work and commercial space. They are centered in a fast growing urban destination that is quickly becoming a landing place for adventurous KCers. Willoughby created the individual brand identities for each property as well as proprietary artwork and other brand assets.
As the buildings approached completeness, we were also asked to create a multi-purpose video to promote the properties beginning with social media and website. Our first inspiration was to showcase the amazing living spaces as well as the surrounding quirky and highly desirable neighborhood. We were all set to go.

But there were a few obstacles…
This was Spring 2020.
The early days of the first global pandemic in a century.
The buildings weren’t finished enough to actually show interiors.
The neighborhood was on lockdown.

No problem.
We got it done. 
West Bottoms Flats Promo Video

West Bottoms Flats Promo Video
