Masters Branding project 'Words can'
Final outcome of my Masters project ‘Words can‘ with the focus on words and the way we use them to hurt people to raise awareness of cyberbullying and public shaming.
Analog posters for the campaign. They show black and white photographs in combination with pixels which represent the change in personality as the person becomes more and more the ‘victims‘  and looses more and more of the own personality represented by the hurtful words from the cyber attacks. It is combined with bronze foil to give it a surreal cyber like feeling, combining the real with digital world.

The campaign works with three variations which are released step by step, revealing the intention of the campaign and to  start conversations about the theme cyberbullying. 
Animated, interactive campaign poster which is the highlight of the campaign. 
Mock up of another poster version for the campaign.
Postcards with facts about cyber bullying and its cycle with the front as mini versions of the posters.
View of different website areas of the campaign's website ‘Words can…‘. Besides general information and campaign details there are also advices and information where to get help from experts as well as overall material about the themes cyberbullying and bullying. 
Video to explain what the project is about (briefly) as well as the animated logo and view of the website's content. 
Project area of the exhibition to present the project. 
Words can...

Words can...
