Kora is a Hindi word and the closest English equivalent of it is immaculate. This collection is a response to my questions about beauty, sensuality, clothing and natural identity. It is vexing to see that collectively the human race is always trying to be someone beautiful, someone confident and someone attractive solely by putting on some clothes. Attire often promises the wearer these physical attributes, but it mainly feeds on the insecurities of not being enough in our own skin. With this collection my effort is to make the wearer believe in oneself, one’s own true natural self. Kora (or immaculate) means being pure, being natural and being in a constant state of spotless beauty. It is perfection personified.
My designs in Kora include a lot of deep neck lines, bare backs, low waistlines and short skirt lengths. I have largely used nude pastel shades to further accentuate the female body and skin.
My designs intend to celebrate the skin that we are born in and to flaunt it with pride and confidence.The innate purity of our skins and bare bodies has a raw sex appeal that no clothing can ever match. It celebrates the human female form and it celebrates nudity. Nudity is not necessarily is a perversion rather it is an acknowledgement of our individual true selves and flaunting our ‘birthday suit’.


This is my collection which i designed for vogue honours. 'Kora' is a response to my questions about beauty, sensuality, clothing and natural ide Read More


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