Logomark: Sapphire's Sea

Edit on previous project

The assignment was to create a logo with your randomly selected audience (child girl) and keep in mind that the product you are designing for is a soap bar. 

Sapphire is a character I created thinking about how kids like idols and adventure. In this case, the sea is her neverland and she is on a quest to find treasure. The idea I had in mind is that the solid products will have a toy encapsulated inside that the kids can collect over time and eventually gain a bigger prize when all toys have been collected.

The kids will want to keep clean and will behave for the sake of the collection. Meaning, the parent’s will find time in their day to relax.

I have placed the original logo below; It changes through out to match the products scent.
Logomark: Sapphire's Sea


Logomark: Sapphire's Sea


Creative Fields