Test Shoot - 24/04
I did a small test shoot of two of the images that the client asked us to do - The close up and the lifestyle with hands. I bought a sub from subway for this test because I just wanted to get an idea of how I would go about setting up these shots. I think for the real thing I would use a foot long rather than a six inch and I'd buy the ingredients myself for maximum freshness. I also envision maybe having some of the ingredients in the background of my lifestyle with hands but blurred, a shallow depth of field.
So as I showed in my initial ideas I wanted the lifestyle with hands to kind of show the motion of picking up a sub. I started with the 6inch sub but I felt like it was kind of odd or uncomfortable the way that the sub was being picked up. So I decided to cut the sub in two and try variations of that.
I think this worked a little better but I definitely need to work on the composition and where I chose to take the image from so that it looks at it's most flattering.
I also tried an idea where hands are involved but they aren't picking up the sub.
Even though I only had a six inch sub I would try to do this again with a foot long because I think that would look more authentic as it's known that sometimes ppl buy foot longs so that they can share it with somebody else.
These are some closer up shots that I have. I think the middle one would work better if you could actually see all the ingredients in the sub but also I don't really think its close enough. The other two are probably the better close up tests because it really shows the ingredients. Once again because this is just a sub that I bought for testing purposes it might not look the most flattering but I now have a good idea about how my final images will turn out.
When showing Chris my test shots he said that the images that include the knife probably aren't the best ways to go because having a knife in the shot can take away from the sub and be a little distracting so I know I won't be doing that when I do the actual shoot. He also said that he liked how close I got to the ingredients in my close up shots as it fills out the entire image which is what subway was going for but just to make sure that the food actually looks good when I shot properly.
WWC - Test Shoot


WWC - Test Shoot


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