Life has always been complicated for Charlotte—she has two over-achieving sister, and a life-ending crush on her sister’s boyfriend, Dean—and that was before a infection-like curse destroyed everything. On the night their parents are infected, Charlotte’s younger sister nearly drowns but returns, marked by the curse as “The Chosen One.” Months later, as the three sisters live in one of the society’s last safe-havens, the curse-infected come for her sister. In a moment of desperation (and doubting her relative value), Charlotte pretends to be her sister so they will take her instead. She bargains for safe passage for her sisters, but the rest of their team is taken to be sold as food for the cursed—including Dean. With new motivation, Charlotte plans a daring escape from her captors, only to find herself prisoner of a new team of rescuers led by the dashing and morally-ambiguous Seth Marsali, a captain of a pirated boat committed to rescuing people intended to be sold. From the moment they meet, they clash. Even as her quest to rescue Dean becomes more and more desperate, Charlotte finds her hate for Seth is developing into real attraction. Together, Charlotte and Seth begin to unravel the secrets of the curse, the currency of Curseclean, and the truth behind “The Chosen One.” In the end, Charlotte determines that she is the “The Chosen One” because she has chosen to act, and she dives off an oil rig to find “Anne’s Heart” at the bottom of the ocean. She shatters the heart, a large glowing red gem, which ends the curse.

Art Direction: Molly Fehr 
Cover Art: Chris Slabber
Extra colour clouds


