Sarah Hibner's profile

ZingNet Dashboard Design

The ZingNet dashboard project originated from my team's need to view data for devops, sales, analytics, and support requests related to two data visualization libraries, all in one unified place. Prior to the design of this dashboard, these various streams of data were located in disparate places online, and were difficult for any one person to evaluate holistically. After gathering user feedback from my teammates, I collaborated iteratively with a developer on my team to make sure I was emphasizing and de-emphasizing the right streams of data based on my team's needs and their expected user flows.

This project's aesthetic was heavily inspired by the guidelines presented in the book "Refactoring UI" by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger. My goal was to make the dashboard light and breathable by simplifying the presentation of certain types of data, and by using muted colors that play off the ZingSoft brand color palette.

Creative direction, UX research, information architecture, product design

September 2020

This is a private team dashboard that isn't publicly accessible.
ZingNet Dashboard Design

ZingNet Dashboard Design
