Cover of the book with an embossed illustration (Temple of Hercules Victor (detail), Tivoli). The book format uses the golden ratio.
The book uses two different papers (coated and uncoated) with separate text and illustration sequences.

Unbuilt Venice
Any attempt to sum up Andrea Palladios creative achievements is invariably distorted by the fact that some of the greatest projects of his mature years were never built.
For the most part, these unfinished works were in Venice. They include the patriarchal Church of San Pietro di Castello, the reorganisation of the Rialto district at the commercial and financial heart of the city, a church that would have overlooked the Grand Canal and, lastly the monumental complex of the monastery for the Lateran Canons, the Convento della Carità.
Antonio Foscari has now restored the balance by charting the course of Andrea Palladios remarkable life and prodigious oeuvre in a way that sheds new light on all his works while also recognising a number of previously unclassified drawings.
The book culminates with an attempt, unprecedented in over four hundred years of Palladian studies, to reconstruct the project that Palladio, in the autumn of his life, held to be the supreme testimonial of his creativity: the rebuilding of the Doge’s Palace in Venice.
Written by Antonio Foscari.
Lars Müller Publishers, Zürich

ISBN 978-3-03778-222-4

In collaboration with Lars Müller
Hardcover, 288 pages, printed by Kösel in Altusried-Krugzell (Germany) on Munken Pure (1 color offset printing) and Allegro (4 color offset printing)

Andrea Palladio

Andrea Palladio

Andrea Palladio. Unbuilt Venice
