Son-O House
how is the wall inhabited - is there a directed program or can people use the wall however they like?
Though there is no explicitly directed program, the aim of the architects was to create an experiential combination between sound, architecture and visitor.

what type of program do you find within the deep wall?
There are four main entrances, three of significant circulation and one of lesser. These are weaved in the body of the structure creating, primary spaces, secondary spaces and spaces which allow the use of your hands.

how does the deep wall relate to an urban area - is it on a street, does it face a park, is it the entry to a building?
The structure is an urban pavilion located within an industrial park. It’s aim is to encourage inhabitants to relax, admire, hold informal meetings, or simply enjoy the beauty of the structure.

how does the building relate to other edges which surround it - does it align with other buildings, is it accessed via a common public space?
The building is located in an urban space, incentivising visitors to enter. These visitors contribute to the statistics gathered and experiences generated by the sensors located within the structure.

how do you approach the wall - can you understand the spatial quality of the wall on approach?  Is there a sense of mystery about the wall?  
There are many entrances to the deep wall, the building is intentionally not uniform, this entices the inhibitor to revisit and re-experience the space. 

Finally, how has your thinking about 'what your wall wants to be' been influenced by the wall you chose to look at?
I think Son-O House could potentially have great influence upon my wall in terms of the unorthodox experience of space. It has also given me ideas for the use my design may have to those who experience it.

Observe the following and make notes about how you would dimensionally change your existing threshold drawings
- wall thickness
- floor/ceiling/roof thickness
Wall, ceiling and roof thicknesses are all uniform in that they are made of my chosen material (fabric/soft plastic). I believe the floor thickness should reflect the collapsibility and impermanence of the design I end up going forward with.
- size of openings - doors/windows
I could reduce the size of entrances, while also increasing the amount of them.
- width of passageways
By further weaving the space, I could create a more mysterious and complex structure.
- dimension of rooms
I could aim to create more rooms, as well as more uniquely shaped rooms, I believe this would draw out intrigue from those experiencing the space.
- interactive components 
I would really love to integrate another layer of design into my building through the use of sound. However, I am yet to come up with a way to do so.
- habitable space within the threshold spaces
The idea of sequencing the space in a threshold with consideration to where one places their hands and feet is a unique concept. I will be playing around with it when altering my thresholds.
- the scale of people
Making my spaces as dense as Son-O House is something I will consider.

Find descriptions of the materials used to construct your building - do not try to guess by looking at photos, materials are often not what they appear to be.
Find photos which reveal as many materials as you can and add them to a photo grid on Behance.  Make note on your plans/sections and elevations 
Son-O House was constructed using Perforated Stainless Steel. This is wrapped around a skeleton made from Plasma Cut Stainless Steel.
A2 1:50 Orthographics of Son-O House
Plan with Sequencing of Space
Son-O House

Son-O House


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