Pickle IV
Another Sunday Brunch Crowd
Waltham, Massachusetts, March 2021
What a difference a day makes! On Saturday, the sun was blazing and the temperature was almost balmy. The next day, Sunday, the weather turned cold, and a fickle sun came and went every few minutes. The difference in light quality is readily apparent from the photos I took on the two consecutive days. Sunday's photos are shown here; Saturday's can be found at Moody XXX

The Pickle Restaurant sits at the foot of Moody Street. It serves breakfast and lunch only, and closes by mid-afternoon. It is popular with college students because, I’m told, there's a lot to choose from on the menu, and portions are big. Before COVID, the Sunday wait line would often stretch around the block.

It has taken me some time to make the adjustment from nature photography (when I lived on a pond) to street photography—that is, from critters to people. Finally, my technique and style are starting to gel, allowing me more time to consider my subjects, as I believe this series attests.

Pickle IV

Pickle IV

Another Sunday Brunch Crowd
