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How does mold affect a child's health?

Although awareness of mold has increased significantly in recent years, it often happens that people suffering from mold do not realize it, assuming they have a cold. Indeed, it is rather difficult to determine whether a symptom is associated with it or not, since the link between harmful microorganisms and many health problems has not yet been proven and needs more research to confirm. However, if you have mold in your home and a family member, especially a child, is feeling unwell for no obvious reason, a toxic fungus is almost certainly the culprit. How does mold affect a child's health?

Why is mold dangerous for a child?

It produces tiny, light spores that not only initiate the growth of new mold but degrade indoor air quality. When inhaled, these spores cause the immune system to respond, causing allergic reactions as a natural defense against foreign particles. This can lead to various health problems and severe allergic symptoms.

Individuals react differently to exposure, but children, the elderly, and people prone to illness tend to be the most affected. The type and severity of symptoms depends on the types of microorganisms present in the home and the severity of exposure, but young people whose immune systems are not yet fully developed may be at risk for serious complications.

How does mold affect a child's health?

A number of studies from around the world have clearly demonstrated the close relationship between living in a moldy environment and the severity of adverse respiratory symptoms in children.

When your toddler breathes in spores, they may experience a variety of breathing problems, similar to seasonal allergy symptoms.

The main symptoms of allergies in a child:
runny nose;
itchy nose;
nasal congestion;
sore throat;
other flu symptoms.

Symptoms of a child's fungal allergy range from sneezing and coughing to headaches and nausea.

While all types of household mold can cause such unpleasant allergy symptoms, toxic black is the greatest health risk to children. It produces mycotoxins that can be particularly harmful and even fatal. Mycotoxins create irritation and burning sensation in the nasal cavity, mouth and throat. If they enter the mucous membranes, sinuses, and lungs, they can cause severe breathing problems and bleeding in the lungs.

If your child has asthma, inhaling spores can cause more frequent attacks and worsen chronic lung disease.

It is a proven fact that exposure can have serious consequences for children in the early years of life. It is extremely dangerous as it increases the risk of pneumonia and subsequent death in infants.

What other symptoms does mold cause in the home?

When poisonous spores get on the delicate skin of a young child, they can cause inflammation, rashes, and other irritations. Toxins can easily enter the human body through the skin, especially when it comes to the delicate skin of a child.

In addition to breathing-related symptoms, children can also experience a variety of neurological problems. Trichothecene mycotoxins can kill neurons in the brain and disrupt brain function, as well as cause nervous disorders, mood swings, and irritability. The most common neurological symptoms from black mold include:

Confusion and disorientation.
Poor concentration.
Slow reflexes.
Memory loss and memory problems.
Anxiety and depression.
Shivering or shaking.
Skin irritation.

Why mold is dangerous for a child in the house: the effect on the eyes

When mycotoxins come into contact with the cells of the eye, they can cause inflammation of the eyes and create vision problems:
red or bloodshot eyes;
inflammation and soreness;

In addition to the health risks described above, prolonged exposure to toxic microorganisms can also cause serious damage to internal organs.

Toxic spores can be easily exhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through a person's skin or eyes. Once mycotoxins enter the bloodstream, they can cause a number of circulatory symptoms and vascular problems such as irregular heartbeat, various heart diseases, low blood pressure, blood clotting problems, internal or external hemorrhages, etc.

The harm of mold to a child can be expressed in symptoms such as:
Chronic fatigue.
Weakness and general discomfort.
Muscle pain, chest pain, abdominal pain, joint pain or other pain.
Fever, flu-like symptoms, or recurrent cold.
Ear infections and / or hearing impairment.
Hair loss.

Symptoms can be relieved with appropriate allergy medication.

How to keep your child free of mold?

A person's response depends on their sensitivity and general health, the amount and type of mold, and the duration of exposure.

However, the longer a child lives in a moldy environment, the more sensitive he becomes to harmful microorganisms.

Allergic reactions will become more and more severe, causing a significant worsening of symptoms. So, to prevent serious health problems and reverse negative impacts, you need to take quick and effective action at the first sign of fungal growth in your home.
After successfully completing the fungal elimination process, most allergy symptoms should gradually improve. However, some of the health effects may be permanent: if a child has been exposed to it for a long time, his immune system will remain weak for life and in the future will be more sensitive to fungus.

To remove mold in your home, you can consult a DFD specialist. They will also help to carry out an examination and find out where the problem came from, create optimal conditions in the home to prevent the appearance or reduce the amount of mold. We guarantee 100% destruction of fungal colonies and spores

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