Contrast - 3D Animation Movie

Poster of the movie
We are happy to share with you our final 3D animation design movie of our studies at RUBIKA ISD.
The team : Praveen BalajiThomas Radenne and Colin CHARLES.

The goal of this animation was to showcase a product designed by other students of the school.
Here, we have chosen a computer designed for people entering the complex world of building computer. It was designed by Urvi Shrimani, Ashwin Suresh, Nicolas Behhazi and Rahul Chappia.

It is a computer that is meant to provide an accessible building experience.
The key point is to easily switch the components when you want, whenever it is not working anymore or if you want to upgrade.

During the ideation phase we decide to “split” the animation by showing a contrast between the inside and the outside of the PC. By that we mean the blend between the simplicity of the product and the complexity of the components.
When we are outside in the environment, we showcase calmness, sophistication and simplicity, while when we are inside the components we showcase technicity, complexity and fast phases.

So our mission is to explain the functionality of the product artistically and in a simple way.

We hope you enjoy it !
The movie
Animatics comparison
See the evolution of the animatic through the process
Screenshots & Breakdown
Still Frames
Thank you
Contrast - 3D Animation Movie