May We... Exhibition Branding

"Let your guard (gate) down"

The May We... exhibition explores the racial riots of May 13, 1969. It aims to understand the importance of memory and questioning, hurting and healing, comprehending the burden of narratives and passing them along. And finally, the act of cleansing and respect.

It features the work of four local artists whose re-interpretations of previous May 13 artwork are meant to reflect the perspectives and language of today's generationShamin Sahrum, Dhavinder Singh, Ali Alasri and Paul Nickson.

"Let your guard (gate) down" is our main message. This is a safe space that welcomes conversation.

The depiction of the collapsible gate used in the exhibition's promotional visual is a familiar sight. Often seen protecting the unassuming shoplots that line Malaysian streets.

The gates' fluid motion is meant to symbolise the willingness of people to let their guard down and open up to one another through conversation. It represents individuals coming together in a safe space to speak their minds and share personal memories. Ultimately, the goal is to encourage future reconciliation through ongoing dialogue.

The names of the artists and curators are printed against the visual of the collapsible gate — greeting the audience and welcoming them in with open hearts. This is paired with the Halvar Stencil Mittelschridt typeface developed by @typemates and . The minimalist nature of the typeface complements the modest design of the gate, quietly unfolding to reveal the exhibition's contents.

For the exhibition title, we chose to use the Kedai-Kedai typeface designed by Malaysian type foundry - @hrftype . The typeface itself is inspired by the vernacular signages commonly found in the streets of Malaysia during the 1960s and 70s. The typeface adds depth as it is reminiscent of the era in which the incidents took place. The exhibition title (which appears on the top left and right sides of the visual) also functions as a graphic device — once again communicating the theme of creating a safe space for honest dialogue and challenging conversation.
Curated by @beccayeoh and co-curated by @azzad.diah
Exhibition branding by @valenlim820
Design Intern: @newfisssh
Photographed by @alvinlaukb
Motion graphics by
Words by @seahmbal_petai
May We... Exhibition Branding