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Tips for Gradually Increasing Distance in Running

Robert Persiano is a Virginia entrepreneur who holds chief operating officer responsibilities with the IT consulting firm Seneca Resources. Focused on fitness in his daily life, Robert Persiano enjoys activities such as weightlifting and running. One hurdle faced by many runners involves increasing distance and gaining the maximum health benefits that long runs provide.

In general, the key is to get into a set running routine and only gradually add distance, with an aim of a 10 percent increase each week. While adding less than half a mile to a four-mile routine may hardly be noticeable, this is exactly the point. You are giving your body time to adapt as the muscles gradually increase their endurance, while maintaining a consistent mental focus on what is readily attainable. Not only will this help avoid muscle fatigue and possible tears and injury, but the added distance feels more natural, making it more likely to persist as part of the long-term routine.

At the same time, listen to what your body is telling you as you push toward greater distances. If you are already nearing a personal limit, even a small increase can put you over the endurance line. If the pace can’t be comfortably kept throughout the run, don’t hesitate to drop back to a slow jog or even a walking pace until you are ready to tackle the extended distance at your usual speed again.
Tips for Gradually Increasing Distance in Running

Tips for Gradually Increasing Distance in Running


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