Alexander Petrov's profile

UX Course Project 2020

UX Course Project 2020
In November 2020 I have participated in the SoftUni's "UX Basics" course.

The theme of my final thesis was, to find a decision for a person who wants to eat various and healthy food every day, but who has a lot of work and forgets to feed regularly.
The second problem is that this person doesn't really know what food is beneficial for it's body.

I decided to make an app which will helps this person to optimize its eating habits, and to provide a regular feedback.

My initial survey included 28 people who completed a survey on their eating habits. Based on the results of the survey, I created a user persona which is a collective image of the people who participated in the survey.
After that I created a User Journey map, to illustrate one of the meals of that person with all of the frustrations and positive moments during this process. The User Journey map is circular, because the process is repetitive.
The following are storyboards for the context of use, and a paper prototype of the future application. They are in Bulgarian, sorry about that.
The paper prototype has been tested by 10 people, and after the given feedback I made some corrections to the interactive prototype. Below is the link to the prototype in case you want to test it.
Thanks for your consideration!

UX Course Project 2020


UX Course Project 2020
