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Book of dismal science cover art

This book is an economics research focused on agriculture and a PhD thesis concurrently. It was written for scientists, specialists, students and lecturers in higher education institutions.

The task was to create minimalistic and restrain cover leaving in it a perceptible connection with the subject.
The mood board refers to the following:

-  nature as a base without which agriculture would not exist.
-  sun, except that it complements the above, also associates with the acquisition of knowledge and enlightening feeling which it's always accompanied by.
-  map as a reminder that economy and agriculture are strongly influenced by geographical position.
-  because of connection with maps - in this case, geological - an example of minerals legend which is often a little piece of art in itself.
-  old soviet textbook aesthetic - as it's a union of severeness and simplicity.​​​​​​​
Cover art is crossed by a vertical which subdues central sign and pointed letters of the title. Year and authours' names huddle to it. This submission is metaphorical towards content - scientific research - because it's usually characterised by structuredness and clarity. Sign is a collective image of minerals legend symbols.
​​​​​​​Chosen font is a sans-serif Poiret One Regular typeface with a subtle style and unusually strong incline of diagonal elements. Angle of "A" letters, lined up on axle, is duplicated in the central sign.
Book of dismal science cover art

Book of dismal science cover art
