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Urban Graveyard Exploration (2021)

Urban Graveyard Exploration
with Sarah Slaykitty
We explored the heck out of a local, community cemetery. Don't worry, we were allowed (the sign said so). I can't believe how many times I'd been by there and never saw this. Now, it's off the main drag so it gets some peace and quiet, but there are homes and a neighborhood grown up around it. It's preserved by the county.

The day was unusually cold, windy, and very cloudy. Perfect graveyard weather.
See More of Sarah: @sarah_slaykitty
This was not my idea. Nope. It was Sarah's. She said she wanted to shoot in the snow and rain (the weather forecast wind, clouds, likely rain, maybe snow like the day before).

I didn't realize how badly I needed to get out of the house and shoot. It was great. I forgot all but the one memory card. That's why there isn't much left for the Mission stuff. I was really embarrassed by that.

So, thanks to Sarah for helping me get the hell out of the house and shoot.
Urban Graveyard Exploration (2021)


Urban Graveyard Exploration (2021)
