Jasper Naus's profile

Geef Vorm Aan Je Lijf! / Obesity Campaign

Over time, the number of obese children have increased. Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen want to actively intervene to tackle this. A short research showed that for the average adults it is good to exercise actively 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day. This is for children and / or young people even 60 minutes a day.
Many people are not aware of these numbers and will undoubtedly not exercise enough vigorously.
So the purpose of the assignment was as follows; to make this aware. 

Kenniscentrum Sport en Bewegen wanted a campaign to promote sports and exercise for children. 
The campaign was supported by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.

In the design I wanted to stimulate children’s potential instead of focusing on their problems. The direct and dynamic character of the identity underlines the fact that Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen communicates to children at their level, talks directly to them, from a position of respect instead of care. It is therefore important not to feel sorry for the children or to have pity for them, but rather to stimulate their strength. 
The core must always be the children. It’s about them and their health!

Through the drawings I show what can be the result when you take a ball or inline skate.
I estimated that for children who only sit inside and hang out on the couch, the step to play outside is already a big one. 
It starts with exercise and then sports. 

Geef Vorm Aan Je Lijf! / Obesity Campaign

Geef Vorm Aan Je Lijf! / Obesity Campaign
