This was the seed work of my project (still in progress), started a bit more than a year ago, inspired by my moving into this country. Surrounded by mountains, permanent perfectly clean blue skies and the whole lot of history and importance of the romanic style seen in churches and tower-like structures, giving the whole space an air of medieval magic. 
You can really see the importance of the colours, the materials and the feeling they transmit. The perpetual sandy stone, the recurring granite, really makes this valley special. Feeling part of the chain, flowing, always movement, up and down, the slope is in the life. There is an ironical sense of freedom to be found in this mountain-enclosed glen. 

This is the first, as I said, and more will come. The skies will move and grow, the towers will evolve. But I could not go on without this first conception
Andorran Skies

Andorran Skies
