Amber Boyes's profile

Amber Boyes Portfolio

Amber Boyes
'100 Uses'
'Analytical Drawing'
'Portable Workspace'
'Please Be Seated'
'Transporting Comfort'
To summarise...
My portfolio is a collection of work across a number of briefs that I believe have been most influential when I came to choosing my area of study. Analytical drawing shows my drawing skills using unconventional materials (translucent green tape) and layering it to create tone, 100 uses also demonstrates my sketching skills as well as idea generation and play as I was challenge to image 100 alternative uses of a glasses case. The next few projects I have included to show how I work with materials and the variation of materials, as well as my model making skills. 'Please Be Seated' demonstrates my primary research into how we use (or rather don’t use) chairs and therefore what a chair means to me, leading on to the models which are focused around transportable/ flat-pack chairs that can be moulded into multiple forms. ‘Transporting Comfort’ stemmed from researching a 2m3 area in my bedroom and transported into the investigation of how a piece of jewellery could provide the comfort of their bedroom to the wearer, enabling them to feel comforted wherever they go. I have chosen to show more of the development of the briefs in my later projects as they were the biggest ones I have undertaken and the most recent so I think they will best reflect how I am currently working.

Amber Boyes Portfolio

Amber Boyes Portfolio


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