Use your talent to create change
I was approached by Viktor Holter to develop a visual identity for his platform “talentrebels”. Thanks to a system of crowdfunding and online learning “talentrebels” finances social projects in Berlin. When customers buy a course 90% of the price is going to the local project of their choice. “talentrebels” aim to grow a community of talented people brought together to share knowledge and create change.

I worked with the team to develop “talentrebels”’s visual language from the logo, color palette and typography 
to illustrations.
After many talks, the use of fire as a symbol of change and point of gathering became the obvious solution to convey “talentrebels”’s approach and distinct ethic. Thanks to 
curvy lines and hands hugging the fire, the logo reflects 
the project’s strong will to be a positive and friendly brand.
The final logo is a refined version of the original sketch above, based on the 68’s movement. To get a more minimal & conventional style for a web app, we dropped the dancing letters, leaving the hugged fire at its center as the main logo.




Creative Fields