Tony Pham's profile

X-Cafe Motocross


Roasting is such a simple thing really. The beauty is in the nuance. Our job as roasters is to be transparent. It’s our responsibility to showcase all the hard work already invested in the coffee before it arrives at our roastery. It’s like calligraphy or the art of a good weld. If you want to roast good coffee, roast a lot of it. Your skill is like the roast: each minute or experience is forever tied to the minute or experience before and after it. Without the total view, it’s irrelevant.

You can visit address:
Ngo Tat To Str., Binh Thanh Ward, HoChiMinh City, Viet Nam
X-Cafe Motocross

X-Cafe Motocross

Roasting is such a simple thing really. The beauty is in the nuance. Our job as roasters is to be transparent. It’s our responsibility to showcas Read More
