Katharina Franz's profile

(Un) Flexible - Bachelor of Arts in Fashiondesign

Bachelor of Arts - Fashiondesign
3 month time period
grade 1,15

Has our workwear changed over time, 
since the work flexitime got established in Germany?
I was wondering, if we still need to change our working clothes into casual wear?
For the designs, I turned traditional working clothes into streetwear & combinated it with leisure wear. 

Photos: Miriam Becker
Models: Yasmin Herzog & Catharine Gronemeyer
H&M: Miriam Becker & Katharina Franz
Location: Energiebunker Wilhelmsburg, Hamburg, Germany

© Copyright 2019 by Katharina Franz 
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Ausgenommen sind die Fotos der Inspirationscollagen.

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(Un) Flexible - Bachelor of Arts in Fashiondesign