Minds Over Matter
These images were developed while collaborating with the recently launched Minds Over Matter. They are a design lab created by the founders and creative team behind Obscura Digital.                                                           
Check them out here mom.design

The brief was to create a visual language that encapsulated the following descriptors mystical sigil powers + quantum physics + rock n roll + esoteric + scientific + analog + digital.

I choose a hybrid analog / digital production path that harnessed the intricate properties of light bending through prisms as well as procedural setups in Houdini and Xparticles.
- VOP Heads -
Two mind constructs manifesting thought. Generous help provided by volumes, vbds and other magical items.
- Prismatic Splash -
This section gives life and form to interconnected systems degraded and embellished by the physics of light. 

The line animations were created procedurally in Houdini with various geo objects as source material. At first I shot these animations on my screen through real prismatic glass objects, it ended up being too difficult to control the final look, especially with my low fi iphone setup. Thankfully gpu based rendering methods have given reality a bit of a challenge.  Just stick a fake prism in front of your cg camera, this gives you more control and gets one fairly close to the "look". 
- Analog Inspiration -
- Hi Con Retro Digital -
This section was inspired by vintage computer graphic displays. I used a mix of techniques, but my favorite was the MOM sigil below. This utilized the shortest path node within Houdini.  
- Thank you! -
Minds Over Matter


Minds Over Matter

These images were developed while collaborating with the recently launched Minds Over Matter. They are a design lab created by the founders and c Read More
