This microsite served as a showcase to highlight the positive impacts these leaders are making through their sustainable practices. Through effective logo design and web development, I aimed to create an engaging and infor- mative user experience that in- spires visitors to learn more about sustainable fashion and its impact on our world.
" According to the United Nations, if the global population reaches 9.6 billion by 2050, it could take the equivalent of almost three planets to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles. At this rate, we’re burning through way more resources than we should be."
Web Design by Kyra N. Thompson
"The Art of Sustainability" by Sachin Bhola 
Images by Allbirds
"Meet the 2020 Leaders"and Interview by Clare Press 
Images provided by Talent
"DIY Action Toolkit" by Sachin Bhola
Talent Portraits by Christina Rodriguez
Art Direction by  Brett Dalzell
Creative Direction by  Rich Damiani
Project Management by Andie Obeid



