MITY-ATLAS is a web-based reporting tool applicaction designed for MYTILINEOS HOLDINGS senior management and required definition on the UX/UI on three major components, Reporting, Data Visualisation, Modules as well as deliver a cost-effective UX planning, roadmap, and IA. Design Thinking Method was used during the Prototype Phase. ​​​​​​​


Client: Mytilineos Holdings

Workshops | Design | Prototype | Develop 


Summary of Engagements 

I.   Workshops
II.  Prototype
III. Building Backlog​​​​​​​


I. Workshops

Producing a tool having a focus group where time is the biggest constrain and assumptions lead the way, workshops are the only solution to share science and cover all aspects of the product.

Drafting flows was the biggest ally on this process, encouraging Senior Management to visualise user flows, screens and its features made conversation factual and helped to maintain focus on the human side rather than the feature itself.​​​​​​​

The workshop had two sections:

Sometimes is hard to find time with Senior but it was explained that with little as four workshops of 2-4 hrs will increase the application potential and will reduce the hand-holding factor in the long run, so it was agreed.

Building the Information Architecture merged with some user-flows with the client stakeholders during workshops allowed time for knowledge sharing, which gave to the UX consulting team and myself a granular understanding of the vision and an standardization of namings and jargon between the client and the team. 
IA first draft

II. Prototype

Prototyping always presents new communication channels opening conversations between practices leads that usually don't overlap; this helped structure the product in three modules and one technical stream.

Data Aggregation (Technical stream) reflecting inputs and outputs required.

Reports which displays data on interactive graphics from discussed KPIs and time projection capabilities.

Dashboards designed from discussed KPI's and reports specific to a user-group and defined by a Super-Admin role.

Interactive forms and summary a screen with features that allow users to change, select or view data and timeframes.

Navigation is always the biggest conversation in the room. Avoiding discrepancies between stakeholders the decision to make the navigation fully dynamic and displayed only what the user-group required to see. Only Admin-Roles could have a full navigation view.
Interactive and Dynamic forms displayed key financial information for reference with exporting capabilities in all possible formats. This gave insights for functional requirements. 
Iconography and Micro-interactions and the re-use of clickable functions was vital to the experience, as the user will learn by intuition and perform by recognition rather than recall, decreasing the mental workload and allowing focus on the data presented on the screens rather that the interaction itself.

III. Building the Backlog

From the prototype and the description of the user-tasks we could (the UX Team) breakdown the feature writing on their major components per module, their epics nesting all the required user-stories.

Components represented the modules breakdown, the decision was made on the premise that every module will run as a project itself, as the increment on scale at the long run for every department in the conglomerate.




Perform workshops applying Design Thinking Methods, from the outcome was produced a functional prototype and set the directives of the product by Read More
