Alexander Petrov's profile

3D Prototyping & Modelmaking Projects

3D Prototyping & Modelmaking Projects

As a part of Ivo Petrov Architects team, I've had a chance to work with one of the most advanced 3D printing technologies - Stratasys's PolyJet. At that time we have realized some interesting and challenging projects of architectural models. Let me share with you, most interesting of them.
Residential complex "River Park" - Twin Houses

A complex of residential buildings, located at the slope of the Vitosha mountain. That's a model of a twin houses, which are a part of the complex. The model is in full colours, and can be open through the roof, till the ground level. All of the doors in the model are movable and have been printed all in once. The dimensions of the layout are 40x45x25cm.
SEG Work & Logistic Hub

Model of logistics center with showroom and offices. Printed with Stratasys's Vero White. The model is decorated by laser cutted elements. Overall dimensions of the model are 40x40x15cm. The office has a built-in LED lighting with the ability to dim the light by a remote control. The layout is arranged with 3D printed human figures, cars, etc.
Residential park "Lozen"

A residential complex model, located near the land of the Lozen village. Printed with Vero White, painted roofs, and laser cutted additional elements. Dimensions of the layout are 300x200x30cm. Each type of the buildings is equipped with individual LED lighting with remote control.
Extrapack business center - Veliko Tarnovo

3D printed model of a multifunctional building located in Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria. Printed with Stratasys's Vero White and Vero Blue and decorated with laser cutted ellements. The model also has built-in LED lighting with diming and remote control. The dimensions of the layout are 60x40x30cm.
"Saint Sofia" Hospital

Model of a multidisciplinary hospital for active treatment "Saint Sofia". Printed with Stratasys's Vero White. The overall dimensions are 60x40x20cm. The volume of the building has built-in LED lighting with the ability to dim the light. The light is controlled by remote control. The layout is arranged with 3D printed human figures, cars, etc.

3D Prototyping & Modelmaking Projects


3D Prototyping & Modelmaking Projects
