My Role: Design & Project Lead, Digital Strategy & Design  (UX UI), Digital Producer

Agency: Tardis Design (Creative Director Helen Milner)
Digital Team: Neva Poletti, Sam Cooke
Client: Tourism Industry Association
Public Facing Site: Promoting this years Event and registration process
Home Page - Welcoming the World's travel inducstry to New Zealand. Brand is based on the  concept of the life force shared by people and the land, in this case Aotearoa land of the long white cloud.
Home Page: Showing a portion of the long scrollable page
Exhibitors Page - Main Nav defined by use/type of delegate. Each section has an in page navigation keeping everything you need to know in one place. Stepping delegates through the application process as it applies to them.
Exhibitor's page -We turned pages of complicated forms into an Exhibition Packages calculator - delegates can choose the package that's right for them, select their membership type and calculate the cost automatically.
Site is fully responsive - across desktop, tablet and mobile.
Members/Delegates Area: Web App, with all the information delegates need dynamically presented, as they need it.
Members area  login - available from every page to the private memebers area - customised to each individual delegate
Delegates own personal dashboard, built in Events Pro - the events software used at the London Olympics. Gives each delegate all the information they need, and only the information they need based on their profile data.
TRENZ Magazine
TRENZ Online Magazine: Showcasing the best in New Zealand Tourism, integrated with social media. Highly typographic, with large imagery we wanted to create a digital magazine which had all the style of a glossy print magazine. Making smart use of categories and tags to present content and information architecture. This site is linked to the main site, but has a separate look and feel and architecture.
TRENZ 2015 | Updated Theme
2015 site - updated theme :)
TRENZ Web Platform

TRENZ Web Platform

Complete overhaul of TRENZ ‘s existing site. Leading a digital team to revamp TRENZ’s online strategy and user experience, creating a public faci Read More
