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Brittany Golden Ballwin Encourages Animal-Friendly

Brittany Golden Ballwin Encourages Animal-Friendly Ingredient Swaps for Quarantine Bakers
Brittany Golden Ballwin on Animal-Friendly Ingredient Swaps for Quarantine Bakers

There are vegan and cruelty-free swaps you can make to turn any recipe into an animal-friendly one. Brittany Golden Ballwin urges quarantine bakers to consider their ingredients carefully.

Animal rights proponent, Brittany Golden Ballwin, wants you to take a closer look at your baking ingredients. “Often, the butter and milk you use - even your baking soda - comes at the cost of animal rights. Conditions on many dairy farms are deplorable - the focus is on production, not on the health and well-being of the cows.”

The same goes for the condition of the chickens laying your eggs. And most people are surprised to find out that baking soda is often tested on animals. “I know I was! Check out PETA for information on which brands you can safely and conscientiously buy from,” Brittany Golden Ballwin suggests.

Luckily, there are many animal-friendly options available. There are dozens of varieties of high-quality vegan butter that you can use to replace dairy butter in your recipes. “Nut butters, coconut oil, applesauce, and mashed bananas are all excellent alternatives that don’t come with the guilt of supporting exploitative companies,” says Brittany Golden Ballwin.

Brittany Golden Ballwin further reminds us that - “Dairy farms artificially inseminate their cows to keep them producing milk and then steal their babies the moment they’re born. The only way to break the cycle is to stop using their products.”

Check your recipe for how the eggs or butter are used, as this will directly affect which kind of substitute you’ll be using. The best way to make animal-friendly ingredient substitutions work - and taste good - is to customize them to the recipe you’re using.

If the butter is being used to sautee vegetables, you can replace it with almost any other kind of oil. Olive oil is a good, neutral choice while coconut oil or walnut oil can add a different flavor profile to your dish Brittany Golden Ballwin loves avocado oil herself.

Reliable egg alternatives have existed for decades as people attempted to cut back on cholesterol. Commercial egg replacers, silken tofu, ground flaxseeds, and arrowroot powder can all act as binding agents in baking and replace eggs pretty comparably. “When you refuse to buy their products and support their systems, you’re sending a message,” says Brittany Golden Ballwin. “And if enough people send that message, we can make a real and lasting change.”

About cruelty-free baking Brittany Golden Ballwin says, “It’s a challenge at first. You have to make it fun - make substituting a creative game. And if you get discouraged, remember that you’re doing it for your animal friends”.

Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
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Brittany Golden Ballwin Encourages Animal-Friendly

Brittany Golden Ballwin Encourages Animal-Friendly
