A number of 30 counties worldwide have banned violence against kids even if this violence occurs in their homes. Violence in disciplining kids from the age of 2 to 6 is viewed as a way to raise children in homes in lots of counties even though its illegal but they learned that it’s the proper way to discipline their kids from their parts and the habits keep being passed on.  There’smultiple strategies to raising a child but parental discipline using violence can be very controversial. Some people are for using violence when raising kids and others are against it and view it as a form of abuse. Those who believe that using violence with children is effective because it shows that parents don’t approve of behavior, creates a respectful relationship and puts an end to bad behavior. Yet there’s no consideration to the consequences that this violence might lead to when it comes to children’s physical and mental health. 
  Parent that use violence claim that it’s a way to show their children that they don’t approve of their behavior. This is found to be a weakness from the parent’s abilities to deal with their children as there is a million more effective and informative was to show their kids that this behavior isn’t acceptable. Those parents who use such abuse styles of raising aren’t doing their job right as they have not exerted the effort of looking up better ways to deal with their children without making them uncomfortable in any way possible. ("Child Abuse Prevention", 2017)
   Some parents also claim that when they spank their children it makes them gain respect. This is highly inaccurate as it may ruin the relationship between the part and the child completely as the child will be harmed physically for a certain behavior. The child will not usually stop this behavior completely some children can be very very stubborn and keep repeating this action so the parents will have to increase the intensity of spanking as the bad behavior doesn’t stop; this is exactly when the citation starts becoming very dangerous as there will be a huge impact on the child’s mental and physical health. This may lead to lower respect of the parent as when the child feels unsafe they can ask for governmental help or the police’s assistance and they will see their parents being punished by the law. The idea of using violence will the make the home a very tense environment and kids will get the feeling of being uncomfortable.
It’s also claimed that beating children will lead then to stopping a certain action. It may stop one action but will build up multiple other irregular behaviors. When a child gets abused at home this will affect their nature. There’s 2 types of abuse physical which will affect their appearance as they will have bruises from the violence they had to deal with, those children will be asked about those scars at school from their friends of even from teachers which will put them in an uncomfortable position. 
Parents also cause a huge damage physically and emotionally to their children and make them insecure and full of insecurities that prevent them from living a normal life like any other child at their age so by these abuse the child will be insecure and ashamed of himself and maybe he will let others touch him and do the same for him because his parents already done this so the child will feel that its okay to be done from others and also this abuse not necessary to be physical it could be emotional by neglecting the child and ignoring him and being distracted("Child Abuse Prevention", 2017)
To conclude, child discipline is a huge crime that leads to major consequences and in most cases the one who suffers from it lives with flashbacks and scars from what happened in the situation itself and parents sometimes don’t even know when they are abusing their child because most of the parents now are distracted by their phones and social media and the internet. However being a parent doesn’t give them the right to hit their child and there must be a number or a hotline for the children to rescue them from this kind of crime because children are weak and can’t defend themselves in a right way and their parents are more powerful and sometimes some parents are not aware of how bad their treatment would affect the child in his life and his treatment with others even in school and when he grows up in his work and also child abuse would make him a bad person full of violence towards his mates and also a study done proved that most of the children who get bullied in school are bullied also at their homes and most of them couldn’t tell their parents about anything and they kept it all inside until they committed suicide or tried self-harm because they wanted to let their anger out. Child abuse must be prevented by healthy communication with the child and also by concentrating and understanding the child more and by letting the child say everything without being afraid of his parent’s overreaction to anything and not judging him because it’s hard for children to talk about what is hurting their feelings and what is making them feel insecure and afraid of people surrounding them
Child abuse

Child abuse


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