Grey heron

26,3 x 37,7 cm
Water based ink on rice paper

The grey heron it's very common in Piedmont, Italy,
and is usually found near rice fields during summer.
This print is a tribute to this beautiful big bird that
lives near my home.

I started drawing the mockup with a sketch pen and
coloring all the parts I wanted black to have
a much more complete vision of the final result.
Then, with different gouges I started carving out the
drawing. I applied a thin layer of water based ink, then
I spread the ink with a roller.
This is a handmade print, this means I didn't use
any kind of press, just a baren.


18 x 24 cm
Water based ink on rice paper

This print was created for an international
exchange arranged during the Covid-19 pandemic
on Instagram by Alice form @im-printed.
The leading theme was "CONNECTION".
Just 40 printmakers were selected among hundreds,
then divided in two groups of 20. Each artist had to print
at least 20 drawing to send out to the world.

The dexiocardia is a rare congenital anomaly
characterized by the rightward orientation of the heart
in all its parts, as if it were a mirror image of the organ.

This print is composed by two different lino blocks:
the first one includes the two hearts in black; and the
second one, a lot smaller, includes the red rope which
emphasize the connection.

Narcissus flower

Commissioned print
26,3 x 37,7 cm
Water based ink on rice paper

In this print, commissioned by a friend, there's
a representation of the narcissus flower in all
its stages.

This illustration is made up of three different pieces
of linoleum assembled together to create a single print.
The perk of having separate linoleum blocks is that
you can create various composition by moving the
elements from time to time, or insert them in other prints. 

Rodari's cat

15 x 19 cm
Water based ink on rice paper

This print was inspired by the 43th nursery rhymes by Gianni
Rodari inside the book "CENTO GIANNI RODARI. Cento
storie e filastrocche. Cento illustratori", published by
Einaudi Ragazzi.

I started drawing the mockup on a scrap of linoleum
with a sketch pen and coloring all the parts I
wanted black. Then with the gouge n° 2 I carved
all the details and the outline. For larger parts I
used the gouge n° 5.


11 x 19 cm
Water based ink on rice paper   

This print was inspired by the story of Clizia:
In ancient Greek mythology, Clizia falls in love with 
Apollo, the sun god. She follows him with her eyes every 
day as he drove his chariot across the sky. One day, Apollo
returned Clizia’s love but he ended up abandoning her. 
Clizia, with her heart broken, stood in a field for days always looking 
at him since her legs turn into roots and she transformed into a 
sunflower. Incapable of moving, she continued to follow her now 
lost love from morning to night.

For this illustration, as well as for the narcissus one,
I decided to print just the outline with the classic color of
the sunflower; I left the petals, the leaves and the stem
empty to give to the print much more light.


Popillia Japonica
26,3 x 37,7 cm
Water based ink on rice paper

Pattern of the Japanese beetle which is infesting the areas
near my home. This insect, imported the first time in 2014,
it's a real danger for the crops and plants. Since this bug is an original
species in Japan, here in Italy it can prosper thanks to the absence
of his natural predator.

To make this pattern I carved out a stamp and printed
the same subject over and over, until the whole
sheet is covered.

Skull series
10 x 10 cm
Water based ink on rice paper

A work in progress of a print collection of small animal 
skulls. Based on anatomical references.
Lino prints

Lino prints
