The Identity

Trip of Wonders is digital campaign held by Kemenparekraf (The ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) to encourage the foreign tourist to visit the country. This campaign brought the tourists to several destinations to showcase the varied aspects of travel in Indonesia. Kecil Studio capture the excitement of the campaign into a brand and series of visual identity.

Inspired by a compass, the Trip of Wonders identity represents the collective impact (circle of the compass) of multiple perspectives (the compass points) that connects visitors to the wonderful experiences they desire. The compass represents exploration. Both in the beauty of the nature, as well as the diversity group of people who call it home. It represents finding new exciting experiences to see the wonder in yourself and the wonder in everything that surrounds you.

The System

We utilize the compass as a base to create dynamic visual system. This visual system will act as a binding element as well as to strengthen the brand identity as a whole.

The Birds

In addition to the main logo, Kecil Studio also design mascot as part of the Trip of Wonders brand.

The mascot use bird as symbolization. The gregarious bird represents the peaceful connection between the people living in Indonesia archipelago. Birds are also the animal with the highest population in Indonesia and one of them represents the symbol of the nation. Universal by nature, its wonder should be easily recognized by all.

These five birds are embodiment of 5 thematic wonders experience of Wonderful Indonesia. The characters
are designed with childlike style to represent honesty, spontaneous, and expressive personality. Each of them
are equipped with crown that modified from brand patterns of Wonderful Indonesia.

They are also represent of 5 main island of Indonesia: Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. That
representation reflected with tattoo on their face which are developed from traditional pattern of Indonesia:
Palembang’s Songket on Khakha, Javanese Batik Kawung on Tutu, Dayak pattern on Lislis, Torajan pattern on Titi, and Papuan pattern on Wawa.

The Game

We also designed avatar sets and map for online interactive quiz for the campaign.

Thank You

Design & Art Direction -
Kecil Studio

Mascot Animation -
Haikal Elrasyid

3D Mascot Design - 

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Trip of Wonders

Trip of Wonders

Trip of Wonders is digital campaign held by Kemenparekraf (The ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) to encourage the foreign tourist to visi Read More


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