Fun fact

Did you know 59%  Americans don’t budget. Almost 1 in 5 people experienced overdrafts on their bank accounts. In a smartphone era, you can't trust your online bank account balance. $11.41 billion was paid out by consumers in overdraft fees last year, CFPB says.

We asked the question, “What if customers could see exactly where their money is going? What if they could set up a smart budget with custom categories that fit their personal needs, and get practical advise based on their activity?
Magic I did

As a customer experience designer, I worked with my team to create SHOESTRING – an app for regular people who are looking for a smarter way to  budget, save money and achieve their financial goals

Unlike most budgeting software that is static, SHOESTRING tells you what you have in the moment, considers your whole financial picture, and helps you make the best decisions based on your needs and position in life.
Delightful results

About 1,600 downloads per month,  and 189,000 active subscribers use this app multiple times a month.
This project is for illustrative purposes only. All information appearing in this work is fictitious. Any resemblance to real products or services is purely coincidental. 
Shoestring App

Shoestring App
