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Kevin Costner Finally Talks About Snyder Cut

Kevin Costner has addressed the issue of his involvement in the “Snyder Cut,” but he has just hedged his bets with his words.

Costner played the role of Jonathan Kent in the film “Man of Steel” quite brilliantly, and in his last scene, he gave his final advice to Clark Kent not to reveal his superpowers to the people of earth. Jonathan had died in the initial act of the film; however, he had saved his consciousness inside a hologram-like Avatar in the space ship, which had carried Clarke to Earth. With the help of that, Jonathan talks to Clarke Kent and reveals his true identity.
Though Kevin Costner’s character had perished in” Man of Steel,”  he did make an appearance in the underwhelming sequel “Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice” in which he appeared inside Superman’s vision when he was isolating himself on a mountain top. The million-dollar question right now is will Kevin Costner make an appearance in the upcoming Zack Snyder’s film?
The actor also famed for his role in Jessica Chastain starrer “Molly’s Game” recently gave an interview to CinemaBlend and was asked about “The Snyder Cut.” Costner tried to be extremely evasive and tried in every way he could to not address the question directly.
So, now the question is, what do we really know about the highly anticipated “Snyder Cut”? For the firsts, you will get to see a longer and televised adaptation of the film, and this version of the 2017 disastrous film will be unveiled to us in four episodes with an approximate length of one hour.
Snyder should be adulated for his efforts to come back and strive to make the lost franchise stand on its feet again. He also has some bad memories from the film, which revolves around him stepping down from the director’s position because of the tragic death of his daughter.
The absence of Snyder in the post-production clearly meant that his vision would be absent from the film that we will see on screen. Joss Whedon filled the position left by Snyder, and he was critically bashed by several critics when the film did come out in November. The infamous DCEU franchise was then hit by several controversies related to actors’ willingness to walk out of the franchise. Chaos gripped the studio when Henry Cavill expressed his wish of not wearing that Superman cape again. His issues have not yet been resolved, and his future as the “Man of Steel” is still up in the air.
Now, Zack Snyder has taken it upon himself to fix the problems at DC, which will start by him fixing the film that had started it all. The upcoming film “Zack Snyder’s Justice League,” commonly known as the Snyder Cut, will have a much darker tone and more intense fighting sequence than what we had seen in the 2017 film.
Very little is known about his version, but it has been assumed that it will arrive on HBO Max on September the 5th, 2021. 
Kevin Costner Finally Talks About Snyder Cut

Kevin Costner Finally Talks About Snyder Cut
