Kathryn Carder's profile

Form Follows Function

Research Images
1.) "Wreck" Jordan Griska 2016 thiscolossal.com
2.) "Body Crash" Emma Hack 2012 autoblog.com  
3.) Car wreck sculpture shaped to spell FYI displayed by Nissan 2016 thenational.ae
4.) "Click it or Ticket" campaign The Texas Department of Transportation 2019 spectrumlocalnews.com
5.) Exhibition of Seats Taken from Deadly Crashes campaign launched by Romanian Police 2016 www.vice.com
Motor Vehicle Safety (The facts on seat belts- deaths and injuries)
Motor vehicle crashes are a huge cause of death for ages 1-54. Seat belts are one of the best measures to prevent injury or death in a crash, yet people still refuse to wear them. 
I want to create a box with a window in order to show that when it comes car crashes you don't see all the details and all the people effected until you get a closer look. Sometimes the worst thing that can happen in a crash is not that you die it's that you don't die and you are traumatically brain injured. The people around you have to take care of you but you really aren't there. I want to show that there's more to these accidents than what you see from afar. People's lives are deeply effected by the events of a crash but there are measures that can help protect you and some people refuse to take those measures. 
The function that my form was meant to take on was to bring awareness to car accidents without seat belts. Seat belts are a very non invasive tool that can help save your life in the event of a car crash. However there are lots of people who refuse to wear them. I wanted to create a space that allows the audience to move through it and experience the crash and the possible outcomes of not wearing your seat belt. I wanted to show that sometimes dying isn't the only outcome of not wearing your seatbelt in a crash like a lot of people seem to think. There are many people that are in a crash and as a result are left traumatically brain injured and there family has to take care of them. I wanted to bring awareness to the truth of the matter and almost scare the audience into the right decision. 

The way I created the space I wanted to allow the audience to move through the space and experience all the parts that can come along in the event of a crash. I also set it up so that standing from the outside you see a little glimpse of what's inside but not the whole picture much like an actual car wreck. Bystanders don't normally see everything that happens after crash and why that happened or what happens after. The way I designed my space I wanted to replicate that. 

 To me the form seems to be the solution to a problem you want solved or a certain function you want to have. In regards to my project I think the way my form takes on the function is by bringing awareness to an audience or even scaring the audience into the decision I believe to be the right one. The form does this by first capturing their attention and then leading them through the events involved with that of a car crash (without seat belts).  
Form Follows Function

Form Follows Function


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