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contact tracing companies

How Helpful Are Contact Tracing Companies In Stopping COVID-19

The demand for contact tracing companies is on the rise after the coronavirus pandemic has hit the earth. The scale and speed at which the pandemic has spread put everyone, especially healthcare departments, into serious trouble because they are unable to find out ways to stop the virus yet. In such circumstances, the old wine in a new bottle, i.e. traditional contact tracing method backed by digital tools and technology are the best ways out.

Contact tracing is a very significant technique for identification of suspects, prospects and COVID positive patients.  The suspects are the ones who might have caught the infection from the positive contacts, and prospects are all those who are at the risk of catching the communicable disease. Local, state and government run public healthcare departments are relying on professional contact tracing companies to monitor self-quarantined patients, their day to day activities and to spread awareness about precautionary measures to suspects. Many schools, colleges, offices and manufacturing facilities can also seek help by outsourcing to a contact tracing company as the plan to reopen.
A contact tracing agency can be a call center or an organization with experience in the healthcare sector. They are a trustworthy choice if you want utmost results out of contact tracing and help stop community transmission.  

Why to rely on external companies for contact tracing

The process has to be consistent
Contact tracing is a continuous process and needs consistency and a dedicated team. Establishing and training a dedicated, in-house team by any public healthcare department is not only time-consuming, but also expensive. Allocating other staff from different departments is a temporary solution. But, for long-term, it will hamper core business operations if your internal staff are occupied.

Continuous compliance with changing regulations

Before everything else, it is essential to comply with HIPAA regulations and other laws associated with contact tracing. When upgraded, CDC and WHO recognized technology and tools are being used, there are chances of breaching HIPAA compliance or other essential regulations. This won’t be the case if you outsource it to a contact tracing company. They make sure to follow every rule while continuing with contact tracing surveys. 

Extensive process and huge team requirement

You will require a huge workforce to carry out contact tracing and only dedicated service providers have the experience to start a new process on an urgent basis. Considering the magnitude of the spread, only a huge team of contact tracers can bring noteworthy results. Moreover, a contact tracing call center has all latest and expensive technologies to communicate with contacts in short notice which is the most important trait of this service.
Previously, local healthcare departments were responsible for carrying out contact tracing methods in the past during the outburst of diseases like MARS and EBOLA. Today, the contact tracing companies are using more updated technology and better designed strategies to make the process faster, which is a prime requirement for effectual contact tracking.  The key is to fasten up the process of test, trace and isolate.
contact tracing companies


contact tracing companies


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