I'm attempting to go on a mental adventure, inspire some of our mentorship younglings who can’t go outside, and create an imaginative "thank you" for a very generous sponsors.
Can't adventure right now but wanted to work on something to thank Optima Batteries for donating the two Yellow Top Jeep batteries and their largest battery conditioner to our heroeskids.org foundation. Really fills my heart with hope when companies go out of their way to help when it's not the easy thing to do. 

Now that this is coming together, let's make this an environment to thank all our build partners! So many amazing folks came together to make our America's Children of Fallen Heroes Jeep possible. 

Ohh this is gonna be fun reconnecting and producing thank you videos for each of them.

Just finished modeling the base shape for the mountain range. 
Long way to go.
If you're reading this, thanks for being a part of this journey. <3 
Happy with the base mesh and rough heatmaps for textures. Now time to export and bring it all into Maya.

...will continue to update :)
Mental Adventure

Mental Adventure
