"Mulder. It's Me"

The X-Files has been an endless source of inspiration, stirring all kinds of conspiratorial and creative juices. After mull(der)ing over it for forever (and rewatching it 6 times), I decided to pay homage with my twist on Agent Scully's absolutely iconic line, "Mulder, it's me". 

The patterns represent the otherworldly vibe that drenches the series, the indications of mysterious abilities, alien technology and experiments, the constant surfacing of the information and the 'truth' but not being able to make sense of it all. The doubled image indicates the topsy-turvy world they are thrown into and the twists that follow them, never knowing if what they're seeing is real. 

I want to believe
These are different versions I messed around with. The white and black carry a completely different vibe. I personally find the white feels more like early Scully, still confident that it's all explainable misunderstandings, whereas the black feels more like post government conspiracy and abduction Scully
Mulder. It's Me.