Anna Enright's profile

Filtered & Chilled Water on Campus

This was a group project for an Environmental Design paper at University completed mid-2012. Earlier in the paper we individually came up with a number of app, product, service or system concepts. These concepts were in response to a series of themes ranging from healthy food promotion to the University as a food hub and geurilla gardening. During the latter part of the paper in small groups of 2-3 we had to extend one (or a hybrid of two) concepts into the stages of prototyping or as a final entity dependent on the project we went forward with. The output was a series of prototypes, both physical and/or digital, two A2 posters, and a document detailing the design processes we went though.
As a group we collectively designed and prototyped the system and tested the prototype in a real setting to get user feedback. My individual contribution was the communication elements, that is, the content, imagery and layout of the two A2 posters, the service's 'logo' and writing content for the document.
Note: The following images were modelled to our specifications by our lecturer.
Filtered & Chilled Water on Campus

Filtered & Chilled Water on Campus

This was a group project for an Environmental Design paper at University completed mid-2012. Earlier in the paper we individually came up with a Read More
