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The Chuck Norris Routine

The Chuck Norris Routine
DVB102 Image Design and Production
Week 3, Images 6-10: Comic Strip

This week I thought back to my school days and thought I would draw a light-hearted memory from my math class- after every class my teacher would dismiss us with a Chuck Norris joke. His voice is so loud it would make me jump every time!
Mediums used: 0.4mm and 0.6mm fine liner pens, 2B pencil, eraser, watercolour paint
Images 6-10: The Chuck Norris Routine
Medium/techniques used: hatching
Process: I first drew up a practice sketch of roughly what I imagined my comic strip would look like and then divided it into panels. Once I was happy with the resulting sketched, I traced over it with pen (going in on the shading with the 0.4mm and the rest with the 0.6mm). The practice sketch can be seen below. I then reevaluated, got some feedback and redid my sketch and repeated with fine liner. I decided to then add some pops of colour using watercolour paint.
Reflection: I am proud of my evolution from my first work to my second and can see some improvements, but there's room for much more. From my first work, I didn't like the sharp corners and harsh lines I had used to sketch the students and the teacher, and I felt that overall the images were boring. I added the lines in the panels of the teacher yelling to draw focus and add emphasis on his words and how loud he is. I tried a more relaxed sketching technique and, although I sacrificed a bit of detail in the process, I'm much happier with this final product. I also added some colour to give a bit of structure to the settings and to make the whole thing a bit more interesting. 
I think there are still a few ways I can make this comic strip better- I can reposition the panels to make them more linear and cohesive, as it does appear to be a bit unclear where the eyes should travel from the start of the comic to the end. I can also definitely go into more detail with faces and facial expressions (I have a lot of room for improvement here!). I think because some of the panels feature the same angle it can get a bit boring so I think I can also mix up the angles and add one or two closeups (as Jacque suggested- I ran out of time for this one).
Image 0: Draft Comic 

Overall Reflection from Week 3
Going into this week I knew I wouldn't produce any crazy amazing pieces of work. I have limited freehand drawing experience and just am not confident in my capabilities, particularly when it comes to drawing people. I also really dislike the boldness and permanence of pen drawing (and thus started with pencil), as I tend to use very broken lines in my sketches and am afraid of messing up. Lots of room for improvement with my penwork!
The Chuck Norris Routine

The Chuck Norris Routine


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