The COMMON project is a permanent sight-specific intervention effort at reinvigorating Clapham Common park’s paddling pool through the usage of letter-shaped statues forming a phrase that can only be read by walking towards specific points in the park’s paths.


The shapes of the statues spread out across the paddling pool are designed to represent easily readable letters and to serve as seating/relaxation facilities for the park’s visitors to use.

Having the public’s safety and comfort in mind and trying to capture the fluidity of the space they are in, all the statues possess round edges and curved shapes in order to minimize the risk of injuries if any incidents may occur.

Making the most out of the installation once it gets dark, a series of videos created using image mapping software would be projected onto the statue’s white surfaces, creating a dynamic visual show for the park’s visitors. Artists/designers or advertisers would be welcome to submit their work to be shown at the location, which would be a great way of promoting the Arts, helping up and coming visual artists by sharing their work, engaging the public and funding the COMMON project’s expenses through advertisement.

These night projection shows would most likely attract large crowds to the park, making Clapham a more touristic and culturally-relevant destination.
The project proposal consists of a printed document that explains all the components of the ‘COMMON Project’ with interesting and visually appealing graphics, photographs and descriptions about all the different aspects of the project. There is also an accompanying 3-minute promotional video showcasing the project in motion.
This project was part of the 'LAE' Unit of the 2nd year of BA (Hons) Graphic and Media Design course at University of the Arts London (2019).


The COMMON project is a permanent sight-specific intervention effort at reinvigorating Clapham Common park’s paddling pool through the usage of l Read More
