Kākāpō Bird RnD

Hi guys ! 

Here is a personal project I made as an RnD exercice.
I felt in love with those amazing birds, I wanted to give a try to remake one in CG, as a good exercice to explore new things in Houdini.

It has been animated in Houdini by my dear and talented friend Julie Durandy
Kākāpōs are an incredible but endangered specie, visit “https://www.doc.govt.nz/our-work/kakapo-recovery/” to learn, adopt and help them.
Projet  réalisé avec Houdini, Zbrush, Substance & Nuke
Project realized with Houdini, Zbrush, Substance & Nuke
By : Cédric Moens de Hase
For : Personal
Date : 06/2020
Type : All Aspects but animation by Julie Durandy.

