Ted Francis Rowan's profile

Banga, Aklan Maharlika

just wanna share some work on my past time, I made a simple animation during this quarantine or lockdown because of corona virus spreading all over the world like rumors, The tower represents as a symbol of Banga rotonda, the landmark where I grew up, the puppet or the character animation is like a stranded vehicle or indle moving, It still functions,though,however there's a gate without a key means like a virus without a vaccine, The light behind the character means someone like my cousin manong Eddie Saracanlao, because I temporary stay in their house and i'm lucky to have his family sheltered me, Despite of this cruel pandemic in our country, I always wake up early in the morning, not because I hate being indle or to be lazy, It's because I don't wanna waste my time, cause some artist, their leisure is to discover new trends of perserverance and implement the vision gradually in variety of skills in art, I know most artist start their art from sketch and their unique hands especially with medium are the bridge to connect all these things in their mind, Hmm, actually art starts from imagination that you can apply it to the world full of challenges that creates experience, It is crucial to improve the artist's natural ability, their talent, their creative juices, this is essential especially in the field of advertising.
Banga, Aklan Maharlika


Banga, Aklan Maharlika
