Central Illustration Agency's profileMarcos Farina's profile

Marcos Farina x Little Gestalten

Introducing Marcos Farina’s charming new picture book ‘You Me and Everybody Else’, published by Gestalten. 

This book is a journey into the emotions and actions that shape daily life, exploring a rollercoaster of feelings to show that no matter your background, religion, or the language you speak, we all share the same feelings. Breaking down cultural barriers, You and Me and Everybody Else is a friendly reminder we all share similarities with others. 
What do you hope this book teaches others about themselves and human behaviour?

Marcos - Being able to develop empathy is something valuable for life in society. and this awareness of the existence of others is important. I think that being able to reflect that the same things happen to all of us, but maybe in a different way or in a different context, is something essential to generate change in how we see the world.
Marcos Farina x Little Gestalten

Marcos Farina x Little Gestalten

Marcos Farina is an Argentinian graphic designer, specializing in handmade printing techniques, with a playful illustrative style rooted in the r Read More
